2point perspective. Not as carefully rendered as the last one. Oh well. Time is not something I got a lot of.
Work I did for my perspective class, one point perspective. We where only supposed to do shading, but I wanted to see how it would turn out with colour. had great fun with the lights, especially the strong one behind the monster, as I could play around with it alot and do interesting things, creating rim lights all over, and lighting up the smoke (which I had to do in order to give the monster a good silouhette).
More studies. Nothing special really.
Graphite Smudge Style Study of a young woman in my intermediate fig drawing class.
From my pocket sketchbook.
Work for my perspective class. This is for isometric. Done with pencil, a copymachine and prismacolor markers. The local light version was also touched up in Photoshop.
Gallery-blog of Johan Friis. A 3D and 2D artist. I'm currently a student at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Want to say something to me? Contact me at: jhfriis@gmail.com