There hasn't been much activity here lately due to school. Anyway, since this site is supposed to showcase my stuff, I'll post some oldies. Also, I've put up a link to my music site at NRK Urort, a norwegain site for indie musicians. My style is first and foremost classical and electronical, so if you like those genres, check it out! (The button labaled "Lytt" means "To Listen", and "Last Ned" means "Download").

Anyways, the oldies....

First finals work from my first year at my old college.

Then some 2d stuff: 


A scene with an assassin, about to kill the king.


A soldier with a gas-mask and state of the art elbow-and-knee servos!


Okay. Should do homework assignment, but ended up doing this. First we have an old secret agent, mr. Geezer. He may look old, but he's hardened by age. Just like bread. And the other thing's a photo I took with added graphical elements.




Another one.